Thursday, May 03, 2007

Freedom of Speech?

So my friend sent me this video via myspace. I watched it in its entirety and I haven't decided what pisses me off more. Before I go on, you may want to check out the video to understand what I am about to say:

First, I am not a religious person. I do not practice a faith. However, I am not discriminatory against those who do. If you have faith in something or someone then so be it. I think it's fine and serves a purpose to certain people. If I get a religious forward from people, sometimes I may read it, sometimes I delete them. Probably more of the second of the two options...

I have seen other clips of this woman and her psychotic cult-like family. She pisses me off on so many levels and just further drives in the reason why I do not believe in mass religion. Not only is she by far one of the most disrespectful, sick, crazy bitches I have ever seen, but she is teaching this behavior to her children! Free speech is great, but there comes a point where certain people need to just shut the hell up.

She's standing on corners of funerals for people that DIED to give her that right to speak so freely! I know that the reasons we are in Iraq etc, may be shitty and relatively non-existent, but our military is ultimately there to serve as our protector, right? If "GOD" is so great, then why the hell would he/she be as judgmental as this crazy bitch and her family is saying he/she is?

What are worse is her kids, and others it seems in her community are being brainwashed the same way! Not only is she attacking homosexuals, she is essentially saying that we are all "doomed" and the the United States is getting what it deserves! I had premarital sex and had a child out of wedlock- so me and my child are going straight to hell and are doomed? I can't stand it! I can not stand religion, or people like this crazy woman.

How can they live that way? I can't believe that no one has harmed her or her family yet. I guess people must just realize that she's nuts and needs to have her and her family committed to a mental institution. Ok there, I'm done venting. But seriously, should we condone her behavior and just accept it as free speech? Why can't this woman or people like her be stopped? Aren't they just as bad as the terrorists? They hate us as much as the terrorists do right?


Colette said...

the108- Sounds good to me! or just tie her up make gay people piss on her and force her to watch gay porn! LOL

Brian-I hear ya, that's why I posted this. I was so pissed last night when I saw it. It's a pretty sick and twisted world we live in isn't it?

Mags said...

The Gay Porn idea's the best one!!!

Rocketstar said...

Let this mongril say what she wants, but I wouldn't mind taking a louisville slugger to her her knees.

Colette said...

LOL Rocket, I think that's the first time ever in my life I've heard you say something about being violent towards another human! HAHAHA!! Jayk could not aggree with you and Brian more!

Anonymous said...

The older I become, the more I separate my feelings from sociopaths who feed on hate. Civil debate with such crazies is a complete waste of energy. Perhaps laws should be established to protect any group of people from the verbal/physical sewage of those who do not grasp the concept of compassionate inclusion regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or whatever.