Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Waste not, want not..


Wasting time,

Wasting talent,

Wasting food,

Wasting knowlege.

Waste of environment,

Waste of space,

Waste of everything,

it has no place.

Today I was sitting at work and I was extremely fed up. I was having a damn shitfit. I am so fed up with everything. I can not stand it. I know it sounds pessimistic, but I feel like I just live in the word WASTE. What set me off was this stupid asshole at work who thinks he is smart enough to run the world, or at least Verizon Wireless as he passed out these handouts.

These handouts are practically scripts for things we should say to our customers when they ask about a specific thing, or indicate they're thinking of cancelling service, blah blah blah. Me being the outspoken, blunt person I am say, "When did I move to India and start working for Dell?" He just looked at me like I had just thrown up on his shoes and walked away. This guy is a fucking idiot. He is a politic. He is a perfect politic. I hate politicians as equally as I hate dishonest, backstabbing, ass kissers. They make me sick. To me these people are miserable wastes of space, air, time and energy. But this asshole is perfect at moving people just like him up in the company, and for whatever reason he has some major pull there. Just not with me. He can kiss my big white ass.

He is a perfect example of why I do not want to be a part of a multi-billion dollar blood sucking empire. He is almost worth a whole other blog on his own.

On to my next waste. Waste of time. So many people are a colossal waste of time. I get so pissed when I think I'm getting to know someone, and then suddenly they morph into the type of people I can not stand. I like a lot of people, but I hate people just as equally. When the ONLY thing I hear out of people's mouths is rumors, or "shit" about other people and how they're losers or they did this, and she did that, blah blah blah is coming out of your mouth, I TUNE OUT.

I have experienced this lately, and it is frustrating. Whenever I meet someone, I give them the benefit of the doubt. I know that sounds shitty, and possibly even naive, but that's the way I am. I trust you until you fuck me over, and 8 times out of 10 it's inevitable to happen anyway. I will hang out with you, but if you constantly talk about other people, I will not give you any ammunition to spew bullets with my name on them when I'm not around.

High school never ends, no matter how "grown-up" we get. It may be sad at 26 I'm just now realizing this, but it's true! No, I didn't just have a bad day at work, I've been taking serious inventory of myself, and people I surround myself with. I have hit the point where I don't tell anyone anything about myself except to the few people I trust ie: my family, Ali, Annie, and Jayk. I have some other friends that I would like to trust the way I trust the above mentioned people, and they may get to that point one day, but I just don't. It's nothing personal against them, but I do not feel the need to waste my energy with sharing big parts of myself with them only to chance shit hitting the fan; see...another waste.

Ehh. I hate it when I have realizations that hit me like a brick wall that make me feel so empty and lonely sometimes. I am tired of living in a wasteful world, but I am pretty damn sure that it isn't going away anytime soon. I could go on and on, but I think that's about all I can spit out right now without raising my blood pressure to an unhealthy point. Hope you enjoyed the rant. Good night.


Rocketstar said...

I did enjoy the rant.

I hated high school. Life is a game, afterall, and not always a pleasant one.

Life isn't all that its cracked up to be, sometimes.

Brianinmpls said...

Great rant:) I am the same way with people I only let two people in this entire world all the way in to my fucked little world...just cause I know they will never use what they find there against me

Colette said...

Mags: How do you know my booty ain't bootylicious? LOL! Yea, he didn't look at me today even, it was fantastic.

Rocket: You and I both where high school is concerned. The shitty thing is, it seems to never end with some adults! LOL!

Brian: Exactly.

To all: I love you!

the Book of Keira said...

It's really sad, huh? I am probably guilty of so much of what you wrote.... sigh.