Monday, July 23, 2007

How cute is this?

What a cutie! I was working hard on a paper, and my little man got absorbed into a movie on the Disney channel. It's amazing how much my baby boy has grown! I can't believe he'll be four in less than a month. I look up and he's just lounging away like a little man munching on some popcorn...just a priceless moment that I wanted to share with everyone! Hope everyone has a great week!


the Book of Keira said...

Was it Halloween town? My kids are watching that over and over these

Looka Logan... what a sweetheart!

Colette said...

No, it was "The big move of Max Keeble" or I don't remember, Jayk and I got sucked into it too.

Rocketstar said...

He's a little man.