Monday, July 23, 2007

They're not spectacular but...

Friday was the day that I noticed the bite, and being as allergic as I am to bug bites, I chalked it up to one of those. So here is the Friday Pic when I first noticed it:

Then Sunday morning I noticed it had gotten much larger, and my co-workers, managers, and my associate director sent me off to the doctor, and this one was taken there:

The scary part was that it did not itch too much, it was really hard around the actual bite (You can kind of see where there is a lighter circle that whole part was hard) and then the dark red part was hot, and felt like my skin was burning inside. What's worse, is after I left the doctor's office, it got even bigger and went half way down my calf. I was so upset the camera was the last thing on my mind..sorry.


Since I've been taking the antibiotic, I know only have a small hard part around the bite and no redness really. It NOW itches like hell however. Fucking bugs and spiders and stuff. We dusted ALL over the house, and damned if we didn't kill 3 more spiders last night! I didn't think to take any pics of the ones we smashed, but I will be sure to remember the next time I see one as I'm sure there will be more. The stupid rental office said they would come Friday and spray. All I have to say if something bites my little man, the office manager is going to have hell to pay.

Oh, and FYI, I did not know it bit me because I think it happened in my sleep. I'm pretty sure I would have felt a bite like this. =)


the Book of Keira said...

Um. Yikes! I'm glad the merds are taking care of business!

Brianinmpls said...

I hate ninja bugs