Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pollen Pollen everywhere...Damn Allergies!

Allergy season blows. There is so much pine pollen in the air down here, it's pointless to wash your car. You can wash it and 5 minutes later it will be some shade of your car only with a lot more yellow. It's so gross, and my sinuses hate it.

On another note, I'm thinking about applying at the passport center. I think it is just what I need at this point in my life. Quiet, off the phones, don't have to deal with people too much, and it would be Mon-Fri with holidays off. I think it's exactly what I need. In fact, I'm posting my resume tonight. Oh yea, there's the perk that it gives me security clearance and gets me into the government system, so that could help me avoid a few hoops in the future when I try to be in the education system. Maybe, I don't know. But I do know that I'm ready for a change.

To be even more random, I'm getting my eyes checked. I'm thinking geeky but chic frames. LOL

I have too much crap in my brain right now to post a coherent blog. Hope everyone is having a great week.


Rocketstar said...

Hey, good luck. Send me your resume and I will do a review/edit of it.

Colette said...

Ok, will do. Good thing I can unattach it, because I already submitted it, but the posting doesn't close until June, so I will unattach and send to you first. Probably do it this weekend. =)

Sarah said...

hrmmm, that reminds me. my passport is going to expire soon-ish. i should check into that.

good luck! new jobs are for cool people! :)