Thursday, February 28, 2008

Where does all the time go?

I don't think that I'm a wasteful person. I certainly do not waste time. Or do I? It seems I haven't blogged in forever, and I haven't seen some of my friends forever, but I guess that's what you get when you are in school, work full time, and have a four year old. Or, quite possibly, I've turned into a homebody.

Either way right now I have a migraine from nowhere, I hate my job still, and Jayk is mid-career change. (Everyone cross your fingers, he had an interview Monday at North Charleston Fire Department.) Maybe part of me is jealous he is almost to a career he loves and all I can see is that I'm stuck at a job I hate with a passion for at least the next two years. I would rather be unemployed right now and a stay at home mom going to school and working part time but I know that financially, there is no way I can do that. God I hate this shit.

Oh, and then there's school. I'm in another math class that is royally kicking my ass. I can't get algebra. Stupid I know, but I am math retarded. I can do a problem over and over again but none of it is retained in my right sided thinking brain. (Not sure if that made sense, but I'm working with a migraine here.)

On a positive note, I am going to Boston from 3/27/08-3/30/08 to visit my best friend and to attend her baby shower. I haven't seen her in almost 2 years, and better I get to see her family I used to live with as a teen that I haven't seen in like 10+ years. 28 days. 28 days and I get a mini-vacation.

162 days and I go home for a week with my men! I found killer ticket prices $230 round trip from Charlotte, NC to Minneapolis. God I can't wait to get home. Maybe I can convince Jayk to start job hunting up there soon. By next tax time and bonus I could use both and get the fuck out of dodge. We'll see.

My son starts kindergarten this year and I really don't want him in schools down here past 1st or 2nd grade. Check out where SC finishes education wise here go to department of education and play around a bit. The statistics are disgusting.

In the words of Ani DiFranco, "So" That's pretty much it for me.

1 comment:

Maggie Moo said...

Wait a minute-you're coming to Boston?!?! As in Boston Ma? As in THE CITY WHERE I LIVE?!?!

But it's only 3 days-do you think we could get a drink or dinner? This will be the 2nd time we're in the same city-we can't pass it up!!!!!

Also, I love that you know Ani.

I'm sorry things are shitty for yu now...they will get better-I know it's hard to see that now, but it will. You're working toward something good and soon you'll be able to look back and you'll be very proud.

Math sucks for me too. Here's a secret-I sometimes have to add on my fingers. I just never got it.