Monday, June 04, 2007

"It's times like these you learn to live again.."

Foo Fighters- "It's times like these you learn to live again. It's times like these you learn to love again."

As we were getting ready the day we were to arrive at my dad's I asked Jayk if he was nervous to meet my dad and brothers. He had the best response of anyone I've crossed in my life that has met my family. Which only proves he is the only one who truly understands me. He said, "Nope. Not at all. I'm actually kind of looking forward to meeting the man (my dad) who makes you calm." When I asked about my brothers, he said, "Nope. I know how much you love them. So they can't be that bad!"
I couldn't have loved him more in that moment.
The road trip was great. Logan was awesome, he didn't cause too much havoc until we were about 3 hours away from my dad's and 3 hours away from home on the way back. I guess everyone has their limits in the car.
It was the best vacation ever. I HATE leaving. It was an extra special vacation for me because one, I got to see Rocket, my sister in law, and my nieces before they left for Colorado. It was hard to say by to Rocket and the family when they left though, since I'm not sure when I'll see them again. However, we couldn't have had a nicer visit. =) My nieces are adorable. This one got blown up to a 5x7 and is hanging on my wall already.
Second, I saw my other brother. (Standing to the left of me in the picture.) I have not seen him since New Year's Eve 1999. There is a lot of burnt bridges and cloudy nasty water in that history. Most of which did not directly have to do with me. But that is another blog post in itself.

I felt like I didn't even know him. I was so nervous when my dad said he called and was planning on coming. I didn't know how to react. Come to find out, we have some common interests! He walked up wearing a Dave Matthews Band t-shirt, and from that second, I knew everything was going to be ok.

He owns his own mortgage company with 2 or 3 other guys. He has a beautiful family. I missed chatting with my sister in law, and my two nephews and niece are fantastic kids. Logan loved them. Nolan, my brother's youngest boy is just a year older than Logan and they were buds from the get-go. (Pictured below).

Going home doesn't bring back the longing for my past as much as it used to.Now it is just about getting back there again one day. This vacation sealed the deal. I will be coming home. Not because I want to go back to my past, but because it is where I want to have our future. Jayk, Logan, and I are a family unit. We talked about this a lot on the way there, on the way home, and a few times since. We have goals now and moving back to Minnesota or Wisconsin is at the top of the list for many reasons.

I also got to see my best friend and her new little man Lucas. Too precious for words. And, I got to see my friend Jenn who I haven't seen since I was about 18 years old. It was nuts. Everyone has gone such different directions, but I am thankful that we all ended up in a good place in our lives. Vacations are the best!

This was a random shot I took camping! How awesome is he!?! (I'm not biased at all I swear). and my Jayk. We were so relaxed and happy! (Probably half lit, but still happy!)

My friend Ali and Lucas on the left, and my friend Jenn. Both fantastically amazing women whom I cherish!

More to come..soon...promise =)


Mags said...

Aw! Welcome home! We missed you but I certainly understand how you feel about seeing people you haven't in a while, being nervous about it...then going back to your "real" life and hating it.

That was the story of my life when I lived in Florida, so really, my heart goes out to you...

You look like you had a really good time though, and I'm happy for that...and you are planning on moving back, so that's great!!

Rocketstar said...

That is an awesome pic of Alex!

Colette said...

Thanks Mags! It really does suck coming back, I'll get out of it though. And yes, I am moving back hopefully spring or summer 2009.

Rocket: Isn't it though?!? I'll be sending the CD out so you can have one of your very own soon.